Dear Father Who Strengthens Me

Today, I need the promise of Your strength. I have looked ahead at my near future and what I see will take tremendous strength and a commitment I am not sure I possess. I am feeling the temptation to compromise on some of my convictions and lower the standards I know must be held high.

It is not a question of Your power. I know that Your strength has stood the tests of time. Your unwavering commitment to love me has been tested by doubt and defiance, and not once has it ever failed to deliver your gentle touch when needed. Your patience has been stretched by disobedience and deception, and it has always been in every corner of my life. No, it is certainly not Your strength that I question; it is mine.

I do not want my faults to fail You in the heat of daily battles or when confronting the largest of problems that everyone endures at some time in life. I am turning to You to give me Your strength for today, tomorrow, and forever.
Your Devoted Child

Dear Devoted One,

You are right to come to Me when you are weary and feel the weight of many concerns because you know I will put your heart to rest. Hear My teachings and take them into your heart, and you will find rest from what troubles you. I am your protection and your strength. I will always help you when the times of trouble come. You can say to yourself, “The Lord all powerful is with me, and He is my defender.”
Not only will I be with you, I will give you strength when you are tired and more power than you need when you are weak. when you trust Me, you will become strong again. In fact , you will rise up like a soaring eagle, run without needing to rest, and you will walk without becoming tired.
Finally, be strong in My power. Wear My words like armor, because your struggle isn’t with this world but with the unseen forces of evil. Stand your ground using truth as a belt and righteousness as protection for your heart, and wear the good news of peace on your feet for readiness and speed. And don’t forget your shield of faith, because with it you can douse the flaming arrows that will be thrown at you. Protect your mind with My promised salvation, and always have your sharp sword of the spirit, which is My Word.
Your Father Who Strengthens You.

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