Lights are all around me. And I am struck by the awe of it.

The lights begin to fade. Where has all the beauty gone? All I can feel is darkness. Thick, suffocating darkness. Scared of the unknown, I begin to weep.

Then slowly, gently something begins to serenade me. I feel a hand stretch out to me in the darkness. Peace settles. I take hold of the hand.

One step, two steps. My feet begin to move. Faster and faster we move until I begin to realize my steps have become a dance. Click, click, click. Swoosh, click, swoosh. Rhythm. My feet begin to make music.

Smiling, I look up to see who has made me realize I know how to dance.

Pink, green, blue. The lights start to rise, as if they were asleep.

His face becomes clearer. It’s familiar. It’s the same face I’ve seen all my life in the times of hope and sadness, joy and pain, love and hatred. But who is this man?

We dance. I twist under his arm and look up. Those hands. I know those hands. Those are the hands that died for me. I put my finger through the holes in the hands that made me free. My Savior. There is no mistaking him now. He smiles at me. And we begin to dance.

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